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Conservation is Crucial in South Hillsborough County
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South Hillsborough County’s demand for water has grown steadily for the past several years as more people move to the area. Over the last 12 months, average demand has increased by more than 5% — nearly 3 million gallons of water per day (mgd) — and even more rapidly since February as temperatures rose and watering restrictions for this portion of the county were lifted. From February to April 2023, Tampa Bay Water saw an increase in water use of 15-20 mgd on Sundays, the only non-watering day for landscapes.

While projects are in the works to increase supply to this fast-growing region, businesses and residents are urged to conserve water now.

“Every drop saved is a drop that stays in the environment,” said Warren Hogg, Tampa Bay Water’s chief science officer. “The rainy season is months away, so it’s vital that we all use water wisely.”

Hotter and drier conditions are predicted for April and May, and the running average pumping rate from the South-Central Hillsborough Regional Wellfield is forecast to continue increasing.

A new South Hillsborough Pipeline will send an additional 65 mgd of regional water to the County when completed in 2028; the Brandon Booster Station is also sending additional water to south Hillsborough County.

Additionally, we are working with the County to increase their wholesale water intake at their Central Hillsborough Water Treatment Plant, and we recently signed an agreement with the County to move forward with a new production well in the Balm area using aquifer recharge credits.

To build awareness, we have re-launched our Water Smarter campaign to encourage residents in southern Hillsborough County to know and abide by their watering days, and we’re also promoting Tampa Bay Water Wise rebates in retail stores, digital advertising and several events throughout the region.

April is Water Conservation Month, but it’s important to save water and use only what you need throughout the spring dry season. For ways to save, visit tampabaywater.org/water-saving-tips.