STEP 1: Carefully review Tampa Bay Water's logo usage guidelines below.
Unacceptable uses of the logo include:
The logo can be enlarged or reduced but the proportion should not be altered in any way.
There must be white space equal to the size of the symbol around the logo.
The logo must be 1-inch wide or greater to use the tagline. If the logo is less than 1-inch wide, the logo with no tagline is used.
When the two-color, black type / blue symbol logo cannot be used, there are the following alternatives:
STEP 2: Submit a request by filling out the form below. Please allow a minimum of five business days to receive a response. If your request is authorized, Tampa Bay Water will provide you with the appropriate logo file. Upon receiving the logo, you agree to abide by Tampa Bay Water's Corporate Identity Logo Usage Guidelines above. You also agree to submit a proof of the materials to Tampa Bay Water for approval.
STEP 3: A final proof of materials (i.e., how the logo is to be used) must be submitted to Tampa Bay Water's public communications department for final review. Proofs may be sent by e-mail to Brandon Moore at: