The Tampa Bay area has received normal rainfall since November, which has helped lessen the drought conditions in our coastal areas and allowed Tampa Bay Water to store additional water in the regional reservoir. However, the driest months of the year have only begun.
Since the beginning of the fiscal year in October, Tampa Bay Water delivered an average of 197.81 million gallons of water per day (mgd). That’s about 6.2% higher than the same period for the previous year and right at the current year budget projection of 197.7 mgd. Demands were high in October and early November 2023, but regular rainfall, cooler weather, watering restrictions, and residents’ efforts to save water all helped reduce demands by about 33 mgd since mid-November.
With the spring dry season here, Tampa Bay Water and its member governments again proclaimed April as Water Conservation Month to raise awareness for the continued need to use water wisely. The agency is also expanding its “Know Your Day, Tampa Bay” campaign to keep watering restrictions and judicious water use top of mind for residents. The Southwest Florida Water Management District also extended the one-day-per-week watering restrictions through July 1.
“Residents have done a great job toward lowering demands,” said Warren Hogg, chief science officer for Tampa Bay Water. “To get through the dry season, we’re asking residents to continue to these efforts.”
Learn how you can help reduce water use by visiting Find your watering day by entering your zip code at