Tampa Bay Water is hosting a public meeting on the Eastern Pasco Wellfield Feasibility Study and other potential projects being studied in the Long-Term Master Water Plan to meet the region’s future drinking water needs. The meeting will include an open house followed by a presentation, members of the project team will answer questions and take public comments.
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 6 p.m. – Open House; 6:30 p.m. – Presentation
Place: St. Leo University, Student Community Center Boardroom 33701 County Road 52, St. Leo, FL 33574
Tampa Bay Water is the region’s wholesale drinking water provider, supplying high-quality drinking water to Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties as well as the cities of New Port Richey, St. Petersburg and Tampa.
Tampa Bay Water is working to keep pace with the region’s growing water needs:
The Eastern Pasco Wellfield project is one of several water supply projects being considered to meet future demands.
A new Eastern Pasco Wellfield is one of three potential project options being considered as part of the Feasibility Study for New Groundwater Sources. The Eastern Pasco Wellfield project will assess the viability of a new wellfield in eastern Pasco County. This proposed project would withdraw brackish and/or fresh groundwater and treat it at a new water treatment plant in Pasco County. Brackish wells would withdraw water from the Lower Floridan Aquifer, at least 1,500 feet below the surface, and fresh groundwater wells would withdraw water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer, approximately 500 feet or more below the surface. The treated water would be blended and stored before being pumped for distribution to Tampa Bay Water’s members. If necessary, concentrate from the brackish water groundwater treatment process would be injected into the deep well approximately 4,000 feet below the surface, well below the potential sources for drinking water.
This proposed project has an estimated annual yield of 9 million gallons per day. Estimated yields will be refined when the feasibility study is complete.
This project entails exploring a potential new wellfield that could use fresh groundwater, brackish groundwater or a blend of both. Project facilities could include:
Aquifer performance tests will be conducted to collect data on water quality, water quantity and data needed to model aquifer responses to pumping.
Tampa Bay Water’s project team will evaluate potential property to purchase or lease based on several criteria, including:
The potential project area is outside the Hillsborough River Groundwater Basin.
Reliability – Groundwater is a reliable water source.
Balanced – If feasible, combining freshwater with brackish water ensures environmental stewardship by balancing withdrawals between the upper and lower portions of the aquifer.
Affordability – Groundwater is the most efficient source to clean because the aquifer performs most of the filtration; combining freshwater with brackish water is less expensive than a brackish-only supply.
Proximity – The project is in an area where regional water demands are growing.
Co-funding – This project may be eligible for Southwest Florida Water Management District co-funding.
The feasibility study is estimated to cost $7.3 million, being paid through municipal bonds.
Below is the projected timeline for the East Pasco Wellfield project.
Projects that are technically feasible, environmentally sound and affordable will be considered for development by Tampa Bay Water’s board of directors in late 2027.
Tampa Bay Water is committed to open, transparent communication with residents. Throughout the feasibility study, the project team will share information and solicit input on key components of the project.