Tampa Bay Water to Host Virtual Meeting on South Hillsborough Pipeline
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News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Brandon Moore
(727) 791-2304 | (727) 470-0702

CLEARWATER, Fla. (Jan. 31, 2025) – Tampa Bay Water, the region’s wholesale drinking water utility, invites residents, stakeholders, and community members along the pipeline route to attend a virtual community meeting on the South Hillsborough Pipeline. 

Date:   Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Time:  6 p.m. – Presentation followed by questions and comments

Place:  Online via Zoom. Register for the virtual community meeting here.

Tampa Bay Water representatives will provide information on the new pipeline project set to begin construction in late 2025. The pipeline will carry up to an additional 65 million gallons per day (mgd) of water to Hillsborough County’s fast-growing southern service area when complete in 2028.

The virtual presentation will review the pipeline route and schedule for the project, as well as information on the types of construction that will be used, and how construction may impact the community. After the presentation, members of the project team will answer questions and take public comments.

The presentation and question and answer session will also be conducted in Spanish in a separate virtual breakout room. Tampa Bay Water’s land agents will also be available to answer questions regarding temporary and permanent easement acquisition.

Residents and businesses can join the virtual meeting from the comfort and accessibility of their computers or smartphones or with a call-in phone number.  In-person meetings are currently being held along the pipeline corridor. If residents prefer to attend a meeting in person, visit the project website to see a complete schedule.

Any person requiring special accommodation to participate in a community meeting is asked to advise the project team at least three days before the meeting. For more information visit southhillsboroughpipeline.com or call the project hotline at (813) 485-6480 or email shpinfo@tampabaywater.org.