Tampa Bay Water has a long history of engaging with and listening to the public. Every three years, the utility conducts a statistically valid public opinion survey to explore public attitudes on a variety of water-related topics, including water needs, quality, sources and cost. This data, in combination with other qualitative research, like focus groups, helps the utility plan its communications and outreach efforts. It also helps shape scopes of our work at the project level.
Tampa Bay Water staff presented an overview of the latest public opinion survey results to its board of directors at the May meeting.
Survey results show that residents are concerned with water quality, and they care deeply about environmental stewardship when developing a new water supply. While most (70%) of residents believe there is enough water to meet today’s needs, respondents became increasingly more uncertain about meeting water demands further into the future.
“Although Tampa Bay Water plans water supply projects on a 20-year horizon, we understand concerns about the future when you live in a region with booming population growth,” said Brandon Moore, public communications manager for Tampa Bay Water.
The utility plans to use the 2024 survey data, along with input it gathered in last year’s outreach efforts on the Long-term Master Water Plan Update, to shape the project scopes for seven water supply projects under study.
“Understanding residents’ concerns is key,” said Moore. “It’s not only important to collect it, but to come back with answers so our community knows we’re listening.”
See the full report.