Groundwater Feasibility Studies Begin
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In November 2023, Tampa Bay Water’s board of directors approved the 2023 Long-term Master Water Plan Update, which included recommendations to further study seven top-ranked water supply projects to meet the region’s future water supply needs. Three of the seven approved project concepts centered on groundwater supply:

  • Eastern Pasco Wellfield with Fresh and/or Brackish Groundwater
  • Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Expansion with Brackish Water
  • Consolidated Water Use Permit Increase

At the July meeting, Tampa Bay Water’s board of directors approved a contract for $5.25 million to AECOM to complete a groundwater feasibility study for the projects listed above. The study will include more detailed technical and economic evaluation for each project concept. These will help determine the overall project feasibility, refine yields and operational and maintenance costs, and includes public outreach. The study will begin in 2024 and last approximately two years.

The Long-term Master Water Plan is a 20-year plan, updated every five years, to meet the region’s water needs in a sustainable, reliable and fiscally responsible manner. Learn more at futurewater.org.