In 2014, the average Florida household used about 13,000 kilowatt hours of power annually. When you compare that to the 140 million kilowatt hours Tampa Bay Water used last year, it’s easy to see why reducing energy use and improving efficiency is an important effort for Tampa Bay Water, its members and the environment.
About 95 percent of Tampa Bay Water’s $12 million annual power use is related to the extraction, treatment and transmission of the region’s drinking water across the utility’s 2,000-square mile service area.
Tampa Bay Water has taken a number of steps to reduce power use over the years, including participation in Tampa Electric Company’s (TECO) commercial demand response program. This program pays Tampa Bay Water for reducing power use when TECO has a “demand response event.” Since 2008, Tampa Bay Water has received $1 million from TECO and has invested those dollars in energy-saving capital projects identified in its Energy Management Program.
A key element of its Energy Management Program is industrial-grade energy audits. These extensive audits are customized to Tampa Bay Water’s different treatment facilities and operations. The audits focus on three major energy-saving categories:
Here are a few examples of the energy and financial savings that have taken place in the past few years:
Tampa Bay Water’s is currently conducting an energy audit at the Morris Bridge Pump Station and the Regional Repump Station is slated for an audit in 2016.